What Are Microclimates in Monument and Colorado Springs, CO, and How Do They Affect Your Landscaping

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Creating a landscape that remains lush and vibrant year-round requires more than selecting beautiful plantings—it demands an understanding of the unique microclimates that exist within your property. Harnessing the power of these microclimates is key to creating a thriving landscape when planning your landscaping for Colorado Springs or Monument, CO, backyard.

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Understanding Microclimates: The Hidden Factors in Your Backyard

Microclimates are small areas within your backyard that have their own distinct climate, differing from the overall climate of the region. These variations are shaped by factors such as sunlight, shade, wind exposure, and the presence of structures like walls, fences, or even your home itself. In the diverse terrains of our area, these microclimates can range from hot and dry to cool and moist—all within a single property.

Picture your backyard as a mosaic of mini-environments. One section might bask in full sun all day, becoming hot and dry by the afternoon, while another area, shaded by trees or your home, remains cool and retains moisture longer. These differences can be subtle, but they significantly impact how well certain plantings will grow in each area. By understanding and working with these microclimates, your landscape designer chooses plantings and design features perfectly suited to each spot. This ensures your landscaping thrives.

Identifying Microclimates on Your Property

The first step in leveraging microclimates for your landscaping is their proper identification. Your landscape designer will meticulously observe your backyard throughout the day and potentially across different seasons. They will observe which areas get the most sunlight, which stay shaded, and where the wind tends to funnel through. Also, they pay attention to how water drains after a rainstorm—some areas might stay soggy longer, while others dry out quickly.

For instance, a sunny, south-facing spot in your backyard might be perfect for heat-loving plantings like lavender or sage, which thrive in full sun and well-drained soil. Meanwhile, a shaded corner sheltered from the wind might be ideal for moisture-loving plantings like ferns or hostas. Imagine how much more successful your landscaping will be when every planting is chosen specifically for the conditions in which it will thrive.

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Choosing the Right Plantings for Each Microclimate

Selecting plantings that suit the specific microclimates in your backyard is essential for a healthy and vibrant landscape. In sunny, exposed areas, your landscape designer will consider drought-tolerant plantings that can handle intense sunlight and dry conditions. Species such as yucca, Russian sage, or blue grama grass— are beautiful and well-adapted to the hot, dry microclimates common in our region. 

On the other hand, cooler, shaded areas are perfect for plantings that prefer less sun and more moisture. Your landscape designer will consider shade-tolerant species like columbines, coral bells, or even certain types of ornamental grasses that thrive in lower light and cooler temperatures. These plantings will add lushness and texture to the shadier parts of your backyard, creating a peaceful retreat from the summer sun.

Incorporating Microclimates Into Your Landscape Design

Understanding microclimates also allows landscape professionals to be strategic in your landscape design, maximizing the functionality and beauty of your outdoor space. For example, placing a paver patio in a naturally sunny, warm microclimate extends its usability into cooler months. In addition, positioning outdoor seating areas in cooler, shaded spots creates comfortable retreats during hot summer days.

Collaborating With a Professional Landscaper

While understanding microclimates is key, designing a landscape that takes full advantage of them can be complex. A professional landscaper with experience in our areas can help you assess your property’s microclimates and develop a landscape design that harmonizes with these natural variations.

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About the Author

Matt Hiner founded Hiner Outdoor Oiving in 2008 with almost 10 years of experience in the landscape industry and the last $300 to his name. Nearly two decades and countless beautiful outdoor living spaces later, the rest is history.


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